Health is where we live, work, play, and pray. That’s my (and others’) mantra if we want to truly bend down the cost curve and improve medical outcomes. If we’re serious about achieving what I call the Triple Aim – improving public health, lowering spending, and enhancing the patient/health consumer experience (which can drive acti...Read More
This past week I spoke with a patient who noted that since his wife’s death six months ago, he had lost 40 pounds, slept a maximum of four hours nightly, and stopped enjoying activities he used to take pleasure in. He found it difficult to concentrate at work, and getting out of bed each morning was described as his greatest struggle. While relaying...Read More
As our medical system attempts to evolve to better deal with the modern epidemics of lifestyle-driven chronic disease, much time and attention is being placed on the clinical models for prevention. Rightly so, and various viable models are popping up with names like lifestyle medicine, preventative medicine, and functional medicine. But one area...Read More